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Yusuke Shimizu 顔写真_edited_edited.jpg

Yusuke Shimizu
清 水  勇 佑

​​Architectural critic /​ ​Architectural designer

1998 Born and raised in Tokyo, Japan

1998 日本の東京で生まれ育つ

2017 Nihon University College of Science and Engineering Department of Architecture Admission

2019 日本大学 理工学部 建築学科 入学

​2020 Established KENKOMI

​2020 KENKOMI を設立し評論活動を始める

​2021 WASA World Architecture Student Award Head of Jury

​2021 WASA世界建築学生賞 審査員長 就任

2021 Graduated from the Department of Architecture, College of Science and Engineering, Nihon University

2021 日本大学 理工学部 建築学科 卒業

2023 Nihon University Graduate School of Science and Engineering Department of Architecture Completed

2023 日本大学大学院 理工学研究科 建築学専攻 修了

​2023 Joined KKAA Kengo Kuma & Associates

​2023 KKAA 隈研吾建築都市設計事務所 入社

2025 一般社団法人 Global Architecture & Design Organization(GADO)

2025 一般社団法人 国際建築設計組織GADO(ガド)を設立予定  代表理事

The End of the Star Architect Era ― Creating a New Image of Architects as Seen in the Trends in the Numbers of Architects and Designers ―

Since the era when star architects such as Rem Koolhaas and Kenzo Tange were at their peak, the number of architects and designers has continued to increase. This growth is driven by economic expansion, urbanization, the spread of digital design tools, and the rising opportunities for international joint projects and overseas ventures, which have broadened the scope of activities for these professionals. However, as projects become more distributed among various architects, the image of the star architect is fading, and most architects now operate as local professionals within specific regions or communities. While globalization has allowed Kengo Kuma to emerge as a star architect in modern times, there is a need to redefine what it means to be an architect moving forward.

  1. Trends in Architects (Registered Architects)
    • Circa 1940 (the heyday of Mies van der Rohe): During the pre-war and wartime turmoil, when institutional and professional structures were still limited, the number is estimated at around 4,000.
    • Circa 1960 (the heyday of Kenzo Tange): With post-war reconstruction and rapid economic growth driving urban reorganization and infrastructure development, the number increased to approximately 15,000.
    • Circa 1980 (the heyday of Jean Nouvel, Rem Koolhaas, Frank Gehry, and Tadao Ando): As urban redevelopment and large-scale projects expanded, the number rose to about 25,000.
    • Circa 2000 (the heyday of Zaha Hadid, Kazuyo Sejima/Ryue Nishizawa): With the proliferation of ICT and the adoption of digital technologies enhancing design methods, the number reached approximately 40,000.
    • Circa 2020 (the heyday of Kengo Kuma): With the utilization of advanced technologies such as AI and an increase in global projects, the number has grown to around 50,000.

  2. Trends in Designers (Professionals Engaged in Architectural Design)
    • Circa 1940: Due to wartime economic conditions and technical constraints, the number is estimated at about 6,000.
    • Circa 1960: During the reconstruction period and high economic growth era, the number increased to approximately 20,000.
    • Circa 1980: With advancing urbanization and the need to address diverse projects, the number rose to around 35,000.
    • Circa 2000: The spread of the internet and smartphones, which facilitated easier access to the latest design examples, led to a surge to approximately 60,000.
    • Circa 2020: With further adoption of AI and digital tools, the number expanded to about 78,000.


1. 建築家(登録建築士)の推移

  • 1940年頃: (ミース・ファン・デル・ローエの最盛期)戦前・戦中の混乱期において、制度や専門職としての整備がまだ限定的であったため、約4,000人程度と推定されます。

  • 1960年頃:(丹下健三の最盛期) 戦後の復興と高度経済成長期により、都市再編やインフラ整備の需要が高まり、約15,000人程度に増加しました。

  • 1980年頃:(ジャンヌーベル・レム・コールハース・フランク・ゲーリー・安藤忠雄の最盛期)都市再開発や大規模プロジェクトの拡大が続き、約25,000人程度に上昇しています。

  • 2000年頃:(ザハ・ハディド・妹島和世/西沢立衛の最盛期)ICTの普及やデジタル技術の導入により、設計手法の高度化が進み、約40,000人程度に達しています。

  • 2020年頃:(隈研吾の最盛期)AIなどの先端技術の活用で、グローバルなプロジェクトも増加し、約50,000人程度に推移しています。

2. 設計者(建築設計に従事する専門家)の推移

  • 1940年頃: 戦時下の経済状況や技術的制約により、約6,000人程度と推定されます。

  • 1960年頃: 復興期と高度経済成長により、約20,000人程度に増加しました。

  • 1980年頃: 都市化の進展と多様なプロジェクトへの対応が求められ、約35,000人程度に上昇しています。

  • 2000年頃: インターネットやスマートフォンの普及により、最新のデザイン事例へのアクセスが容易になった結果、約60,000人程度に急増しました。

  • 2020年頃: AIやデジタルツールの活用が進む中、約78,000人程度に拡大しています。

Multidimensional Reconstruction of Architectural Design in the Digital Revolution Era
― A Challenge to the Chaos Created by Globalization and Technological Innovation ―

― グローバリゼーションと技術革新が生む混沌への挑戦 ―

Technological innovations such as the internet, smartphones, and AI enable the instantaneous collection and transmission of information, promoting the rapid digitalization of society as a whole. At the same time, the globalization accompanying advances in information technology further accelerates economic activities and cultural exchanges beyond national borders, creating a new arena of interaction where regions around the world mutually influence one another.

However, in exchange for the increased convenience brought by these technological innovations, it appears that the field of architectural design has entered a chaotic era characterized by replication and intermingling beyond national and regional boundaries. It can be said that a new challenge for future architectural design is to more precisely control and utilize these diverse and multidimensional elements.



The Black-boxing and Multidimensional Visualization of the Architectural Design Process in the Era of ICT and AI Evolution― A Challenge to Enhance Expertise ―
― 建築専門性向上への挑戦 ―

ICT such as the internet and smartphones are important elements that support the digital foundation of modern society, creating an environment where information from around the world can be collected and shared instantly. In addition, the development of advanced technologies such as AI (artificial intelligence) has made it possible to analyze large amounts of data and recognize complex patterns that were previously impossible, thereby promoting innovative changes in various fields.

However, while the spread of these technological innovations brings about increased productivity, it also tends to simplify and obscure the architectural design process, which carries the risk of diminishing understanding and awareness of that process. As a result, there is concern that superficial and shallow architecture may become widespread.

I consider it an important challenge to achieve a renewed recognition of the design process by visualizing the multidimensional architectural design process while leveraging advanced AI technology, thereby aiming to elevate the level of designers, architects, and design professionals.





I approach architectural design through a multifaceted process of input and output. Through research involving the collection, analysis, and critique of architectural data, I explore the essence of design and its values from a relative perspective. Furthermore, by sharing these insights across various platforms—including databases, books, and web media—I aim to contribute to education, evaluation, and design across different disciplines. By establishing a multidimensional perspective and position, I develop and apply original evaluation frameworks to create innovative architectural designs.



During my time as an architecture student, I actively participated in every opportunity related to architectural design, including clubs, student activities, various events, and part-time work, making it a period of deep learning. Through the establishment of architecture student organizations, involvement in student groups, and practical experience at various architectural design offices, I was exposed to a wide range of perspectives and ways of thinking. As I accumulated these experiences, I developed an interest in objective and relative viewpoints, leading to an evolving awareness of multidimensional architectural exploration, where thinking unfolds in response to diverse values.



During my time as an architecture student, I actively participated in every opportunity related to architectural design, including clubs, student activities, various events, and part-time work, making it a period of deep learning. Through the establishment of architecture student organizations, involvement in student groups, and practical experience at various architectural design offices, I was exposed to a wide range of perspectives and ways of thinking. As I accumulated these experiences, I developed an interest in objective and relative viewpoints, leading to an evolving awareness of multidimensional architectural exploration, where thinking unfolds in response to diverse values.


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