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Expert Group



KENKOMIは2020年に建築評論家兼設計者である Yusuke Shimizu が設立したコミュニケーションプラットフォームです。KENKOMIはWEBやYouTube、SNS、Competition、を通じて世界中の建築家や大学、建築学生をつなげ建築設計に関する情報を発信する活動を行っています。


建築学生が運営を行いYusuke Shimizuを共に一緒にKENKOMIの建築理論である”AIGA ”を探求し、運営スタッフの設計力と発信力の向上を目指し建築学生の専門家集団を目指します。



興味のある活動をYusuke Shimizuと

​Officer / Deputy Representative

It plays a role in moving the entire organization, negotiating with other organizations and managing the organization, and becomes the face of the organization.

■ Students who want to have a rewarding job that moves a large organization

■ Students who want to take the initiative in changing the organization with a view to the foresight

​New Planning Department

We plan and manage national and global architectural student events and create activities.

■ Students who are interested in planning and managing events, and students who have know-how.

​New Planning Department

We plan and manage national and global architectural student events and create activities.

■ Students who are interested in planning and managing events, and students who have know-how.

​Web editorial department

We will organize and accumulate information on various architectures. You can join from inexperienced students.

■ Students who want to collect and understand useful information for architecture students.

■ Students who are interested in web design and who have know-how.











​QR Book Development Department













Ai application.4

The world's largest architectural student group-Zenkoku Knenkomi's four activities
The world's largest architectural student group-Zenkoku Knenkomi's four activities


Ai 01

Ai competition
WASA World Architecture Student Award
The largest, most authoritative, state-of-the-art scoring growth competition based on Ai's rationale. We will show the ability of the designer and perform esquishes.

WASA World Architecture Student Award The largest, most authoritative, state-of-the-art scoring growth competition based on Ai's rationale. We will show the ability of the designer and perform esquishes.

Ai 02

Ai diploma
By using Ai for the graduation design exhibition qualifying screening, quantitative evaluation and feedback can be given to all works, and all the members will be judged in a meaningful, fair and visualized manner.
By using Ai for the graduation design exhibition qualifying screening, quantitative evaluation and feedback can be given to all works, and all the members will be judged in a meaningful, fair and visualized manner.

Ai 03

Since the design work has been categorized with ultra-high precision, it is possible to instantly search for and present a design that envisions the conditions.
(Confidentiality for patent acquisition)
Since the design work has been categorized with ultra-high precision, it is possible to instantly search for and present a design that envisions the conditions. (Confidentiality for patent acquisition)

Ai 04

Ai design
Using Ai, we analyze the client's values and evaluation axes, present the best answer while considering various conditions, and build a new architectural design. (Confidentiality for patent acquisition)
Using Ai, we analyze the client's values and evaluation axes, present the best answer while considering various conditions, and build a new architectural design. (Confidentiality for patent acquisition)

Architectural Design Metabolism​
​ Architectural design metabolism

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