National Kenkomi Architectural Design Institute
Concept of basic elements of architecture
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Zenkoku Kenkomi .JAPAN
建築デザインにおける 形態の客観的評価
World Architectural Design Lab
Component process elements of 6 architectural design proposals
Architectural design proposal can be decomposed in six (Configuration process elements in the proposed).
[A] Verbalization of themes , problem definitions, and concepts in architecture [Theme]
[B] Planned site / planned scale / potential / context [Potential]
[C] Programs / Functions / Update Plans / Relationships with People [Program]
[D] Design method / modeling operation / analysis method / pattern [Processing]
[E] Architectural form / structure / composition / style / landscape / proportion [Form]
[F1] Components of space, construction, furniture, works, objects, materials, decoration, and architecture
[F2] Activity / Perceptual experience element / Sequence [Form / Space]
* When disassembled with "soft and hard" , which is the first step to understand the architectural design process
[A] [B] [C] are factors that determine the shape of architecture, but not the architecture itself (software)
[D] [E] [F] are the parts that are emphasized as proposals in the form of architecture itself (hard)
※ is the concept of Taborizumu Kiyonori "or, person, form" of Kikutake is decomposed in
[A] [B] [C] = "ka", [D] = "kata", [E] [F] = "shape"
* When disassembled by "part and whole" , [A] → [D] → [E] → [F]
* Form is an element that composes the whole and gives the work clarity and thoughtful cross-cutting, and form is decomposed by "form and form" that gives diversity to the work with the shape and space created by the form.
[D] = "form", [E] [F] = "form"

Points of view for each component process
First, determine the subject to be the theme. How to give the theme is set from social issues other than architecture, regional issues, personal experience, and architectural setting such as planned site and program, possibility of design method, possibility of form, possibility of space May be done.
In the proposal, it is necessary to propose new possibilities and functionality, so it is necessary to make a proposal by crossing various thoughts. There is a (point of view) for each of the crossing of thoughts (six component process elements [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F1] [F2]).
[A] Declining birthrate and aging population , vacant house problems , environmental problems , energy problems, health promotion, community, communication, homelessness, elderly people, single people , multi-generational people, multinational people , people with disabilities, healthy people, etc.
[B] Disaster recovery , flood damage , regional revitalization , marginal villages , tourism pollution, urban whereabouts , reopening development , new towns, stocks , vacant houses , vacant lots , unused land, waste material use, garbage circulation, forest resources, forest devastation・ Infrastructure ・ Inheritance of cityscape ・ Inheritance of architecture ・ Inheritance of cultural technology ・ Nostalgia ・ Original scenery ・ Dense wooden areas ・ Site boundaries ・ Fences ・ Slums ・ Dark markets, etc.
[C] Mobility , street-like mobile architecture , temporary construction, movable architecture, living environment, industrialized housing , production housing, stations , crematoriums, ossuary, chapel, etc.
[D] Scrap & build, flow, renewal method , extension and extension , memory and architecture , metaphor, metaphor, simile, composition , nesting, dispersion, radial, centripetal, addition, subtraction (absence), double lattice, Grid , zoning , three-dimensional grid, flow line, axis line , proportional module, golden ratio, modulor, etc.
[E] Floors, pillars, walls, ceilings, roofs, roads, windows , curtain walls, screens, façade, surface layers, sloping floors, slopes , raised floors, pilotis, atriums, lodges, volumes and voids , shelters, dome, foley・Megastructure・ Ramen structure ・ Wall structure Truss structure ・ Membrane structure ・ Tube structure ・ Suspended floor structure ・ Shell structure ・ Space frame ・ Organic structure ・Skeletal and muscle・ Concept: Domino system ・ Five principles of modern architecture ・ Raum plan ・Destale composition, Russian compositionism, etc ...
[F1] [F2] Light and shadow, light and dark, strong and weak , deep and shallow, dark and light, open and closed, outside and inside, real and imaginary, convection and passage, excursion, public space and private Space, private and common areas, public and private, external space and internal space , personal space, various rooms, large space, minimum space , wind and architecture, sound and architecture, onomatope, five-sensual space, physical Space / shared space / concept: homogeneous space, universal space, saved space, savant space, etc ...
■ White is a point of view that is often used in architectural design proposals
■ Gold is a possible point of view in architectural design proposals
Crossing element that crosses the point of view
(6 constituent process elements [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F1] [F2]) × (point of view) allows you to determine the subject and answer other constituent process elements. However, it is not just a matter of selecting a favorite point of view for each component of the process. In order to give the proposal a logical wholeness, the cross-cutting elements (property) to be used in the subject must be provided. In addition, it is important to select a point of view that is compatible with the cross-cutting elements (selection of situations where the proposal becomes stronger). You can use multiple cross-cutting elements, and think of good or bad compatibility and think of stronger proposals.
[One-sided cross-cutting elements] Homogeneity, heterogeneity , regularity, irregularity, repetitiveness, diversity , contingency , obscureness, complexity, anonymity, regionality , vanacular , indigenous, and endemic・ Geographical ・ ・ Internationality ・ Immediately ・ Constructive ・ Planning ・ Unplannedness ・ Irrationality ・Rationality・Systematic・ Inefficiency ・ Efficiency・ Unreality ・ Reality ・ Inevitability・ Probability ・ Universal Gender, peculiarity, extraordinaryness, everydayness, autonomy, irrationality, modernity , modernity, mechanical engineering, spontaneous unity, plane, three-dimensional , infinity, finiteness, spreadability, Maximum / minimum / unity
[Multi-faceted cross-cutting elements] Continuity , amplification, damping, discipline, immobility, ambiguity, ambiguity , inversion , mixture, impliedness , master-slave relationship , crossing, crossing, multi -layeredness, Repeatedness, contact, adhesion, dissociative confrontation, antinomy, neutrality, mediation, one-sidedness, dominance, morphology, unity
[Expressive cross-cutting elements] Narrative, design, message , doctrine, utopian, destopia, symbolism , object, symbolism, prototype, bilinguality, literal translation, variation, translationality, abstraction , Concrete, destructive, constructive
[Sensory crossing elements] Five sensibilities, physicality , religion, worship, distance , tension, discomfort, rhythm, dynamism, live feeling, rising feeling, floating feeling, intimidating feeling, monosilic
[Reference cross-cutting elements] Metaphorical, musical, field line, limited, unlimited, paradoxical, craft, pseudo, superficial, organistic, segmental, radical
■ White is a point of view that is often used in architectural design proposals
■ Gold is a possible point of view in architectural design proposals

Difference between subjective evaluation and objective evaluation
It has two aspects in evaluation, subjective and objective (six component process elements [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F1] [F2]), and is applied to each. It is indispensable to understand both properties and make a proposal when making a proposal for architectural design.
* In addition to the six component process elements [A], [B], [C], [D], [E], [F1], and [F2], the subjective evaluation is expressed as [1] and the subjective evaluation is expressed as [2]. do. EX, subjective evaluation of the theme = [A2]
[Subjective evaluation (suggestion)]
Sociality and publicity are indispensable for making original proposals more feasible and persuasive. It is important to always have an objective evaluation, not to love your proposal too much and to be alone. In particular, it is the basis of the evaluation axis of design tasks and master's research for undergraduate to graduate students, and it is logically constructed through analysis and survey, and my proposal is justified based on the language and background of architecture. It is important to go.
[Objective evaluation (proposal)]
The purpose of architectural design is to review old modern methods and spaces, and to think and study new modern methods and spaces for modern fluency and problems. It is indispensable to give the work the uniqueness and arbitrariness that expresses one's own values, which is the most interesting part of architectural design. In particular, it is the basis of the evaluation axis for architectural design issues in the first to third years of the undergraduate program, and it is important how to give it originality and novelty. In addition, it is an evaluation axis that is emphasized in graduation design and design competition.

Evaluation criteria for theme / theme setting
A typical example is a work that solves social problems. Advocate the necessity and necessity of the design proposal and strengthen the original proposal. The point is whether the theme is logically and objectively constructed based on the necessary statistics and data. 80] The theme presented is not imposed by the architect, but is required to have high redundancy. When using the language of architecture, it is counterproductive if you do not understand the exact meaning and background of the language. The presentation plays an important role in connecting the parts and the whole. Express that your proposal has its own uniqueness (subject) but is logically structured as a whole.
■ Is the concept written ? [10 points]
■ Is the subject of the concept clear? [10 points]
■ Whether the concept is logically constructed. [10 points]
■ Whether the concept has an architectural explanation. [10 points]
■ Is the need for architectural proposals such as effects and advantages indicated? [10 points]
■ An explanation is given as to what kind of points the theme is the original proposal. [10 points]
■ Whether the proposal is strengthened with the statistics and data analyzed as needed. [20 points]
■ Whether you can clearly explain who the proposal is for [10 points]
■ Who is whether whether the advance is mainly are able to clearly explain [10 points]
★ Work Lieutenant
★ Viewpoint of architectural renewal
Is the update method shown? What is the difference between ordinary redevelopment?
□ Are there any incorrect data or typographical errors [-5 points]
□ Is the explanation common to non-architects? [-5 points]
* ■ Point addition item □ Origin item
* 100 points out of 100, 100 points if all are met.