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■World Architecture Student Award

Screening result

Analysis of the number of applicants and the number of submitted works

Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.
Collecting a large amount of data Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.

By disassembling the work with high precision, categorizing it, and comparing and analyzing it, we will clarify the outline of architectural design and acquire statistical data while constructing programming.
Comparative analysis / programming By disassembling the work with high precision, categorizing it, and comparing and analyzing it, we will clarify the outline of architectural design and acquire statistical data while constructing programming.



Analysis of applying universities

Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.
Collecting a large amount of data Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.


26КАДР - Колледж Архитектуры

6 October University

Aalto University

Aarhus School of Architecture

abu dhabi university

Ahsanullah university of science and technology

Aichi Institute of Technology

Aichi Sangyo University

Al- Balqa' Applied University (BAU)

American University of Technology

Anhui Institute of Science and Technology

Anhui University of Technology

Anhui University of Technology

Anna University

appejay institute of management and technology ,greater noida

applied science university

Appropriate name order

Architectural and Construction Academy SamGTU

Architectural Association School of Architecture

Architecture and Civil Engineering Academy Samara Polytech

Arizona State University

Azerbaijan Academy of Arts

Azerbaijan State University of Architect and Construction

Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

Bartlett School of Architecture

Beijing City College

Beijing Institute of Technology Zhuhai College

Beijing Jiaotong University

Beijing Jiaotong University

Beijing Normal University

Belarusian National Technical University

British Higher School of Art and Design ( Programme of University of Hertfordshire)


California College of the Arts

Central Academy of Art

Central South Forestry University

CEPT University

Chang'an University

Changchun Institute of Architecture

Chengdu University of Technology

Chiang Mai University

Chiba University

Chiba University Graduate School

China Academy of Art

China Central Academy of Art

Chittagong University Of Engineering And Technology

Chongqing City College of Science and Technology

Chongqing University

Chongwu Shadow Arts University

chu hai college of higher education

City School of Architecture, Sri Lanka.

College of Architecture, Design and Reengineering No. 26

College of the Canyons

Curtin University

Daedong University

Dalian University for Nationalities

Dalian University of Technology

Deakin University

Deakin university

Don State Technical University

Don State Technical University

Dr Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture, Pune, Maharashtra, India

East China University

East China University of Science and Technology


Egyption russian university in cairo

ENAA ( Ecole Nationale D'Architecture D'Agadir

Eurasian National University

Far Eastern Federal University

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (Nftional Research University)

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kostroma State Agricultural Academy”

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Hight Education "Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering"

Fukuoka University

Gangnam University

Godfrey Okoye University

Graduate School of Tongji University

Grand Canyon University

Guangzhou Academy of Art

Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

Guangzhou University

Guangzhou University of Science and Technology

Guizhou University

Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University


Hanyang University

Harbin University of Technology

Hebei University of Technology

Hefei University of Technology

Hefei University of Technology

Helwan University

Henan University

Henan University of Science and Technology

Henan University of Technology

Hochschule Darmstadt, University of Applied Sciences

Hosei University

Hosei University Graduate School

Huaiyin Institute of Technology

Huanghuai College

Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Inner Mongolia University of Technology

Institute of business and design (B&D)

Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey

Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey

IOE, Purwanchal Campus

Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning

Iran University of Science and Technology

Islamic azad university of mahabad

Islamic University Of Tabriz

Istanbul Technical University


Japan Women's University

Jiaxing Academy

Jilin University of Architecture

Jilin University Zhuhai College

Jinan University

Jiujiang Academy

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

Kagoshima University

kalasalingam school of architecture, India

Kanagawa University Graduate School

Kanazawa Institute of Technology

Kansai University

Kanto Gakuin University

Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Kazan State University of Achitecture and Engeneering

Keio University

Keishu Academy


Khulna University

kingston university

Kinki University

Kogakuin University

Kogakuin University Graduate School

Kokushikan University Graduate School

Kookmin University

Krasnodar Architecture and Construction College


Kumamoto University

Kunming University of Science and Technology

Kunming University of Technology

Kunstuniversität Linz


Kyoto Institute of Technology

Kyoto Seika University

Kyoto University

Kyoto University Graduate School

Kyoto University of Architecture

Kyoto University of the Arts

Kyoto University of the Arts Graduate School

Kyushu University

Lanzhou Jiaotong University

Liuzhou Institute of Technology

Louisiana State University

M. H. Dulati Taraz Regional University Kazakhstan

Macao University of Technology

Macau University of Science and Technology

makerere university


Manchester School of Architecture

MARCH (Universal University)

MARCHI (Moscow architectural institute)

Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology,Bhopal

Meiji University

Meiji University Graduate School

Mghpa im. Stroganov

Miami University

Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University

Mingchuan University


Mongolian University of Science and Technology

Moscow Architectural Institute (state academy) MARKHI

Moscow Institute of Architecture (state academy)

Moscow Institute of Architecture | MARKHI – State Academy

Moscow Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Moscow State Stroganov university of Industrial and Applied Arts

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU)

Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography

Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography

Mumbai University

Muroran Institute of Technology Graduate School

Musashino University

Nagoya City University

Nanhua University

Nanjing Academy of Music

Nanjing University of Technology

National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture

National Institute of Technology, Calicut, Kerala, India


National Superior School of Architecture of Marseille ENSA Marseille

National Taipei University of Science and Technology

Newcastle University, UK

Nihon Kogakuin Hachioji College

Nihon University

Nihon University College

Nihon University Graduate School

Niigata Institute of Technology

Ningbo University

Nippon Bunri University

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (NNGASU)

North China University of Science and Technology

North China Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric University

Northern Institute of Technology

Northwest Polytechnic University

Norwich University


October 6 university (Faculty of Engineering)

Omsk Construction College

Osaka Institute of Technology

Osaka Institute of Technology Graduate School

Osaka Public University

Osaka Sangyo University

Osaka University

Osaka University

Pars University of Architecture and Art

Parsons School of Design

Peking University of Technology Gengdan College

Penza State University of Architecture and Construction

People's Friendship University of Russia

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


Pillai HOC College of Architecture

Pokhara University

politecnical di Milano

Politecnico Milano

Poltechnic school of sousse

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

Poznan University of Technology

Pratt Institude & Tsinghua University

Premier University Chittagong ,Bangladesh

Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Pune University

Punjab University college of Art & Design

Purbanchal University

Purbanchal University

Pyatigorsk State University

Qingdao University of Technology

R.V.College of Architecture


Rani chanamma university

Renmin University of China



Robert Gordon University

RUDN University: Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

RWTH Aachen Gemany

Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design


Savannah college of Art and Design

Savitribai phule pune unerversity

Savitribai Phule Pune University

School of Planning and Architecture

Shahjalal University of science and technology

Shandong Art Academy

Shandong Management College

Shandong Sports Academy

Shandong University of Architecture

Shandong Youth Politics College

Shanghai Academy of Visual Arts

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Normal University

Shanghai Second University of Technology

Shanghai University

Shanghai University of Applied Technology

Shantou University

Shenyang University of Architecture

Shenzhen University

Shibaura Institute of Technology

Shibaura Institute of Technology Graduate School

Shijiazhuang Railway University

Shinshu University

Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology

Showa Women's University

Siberian Federal University

Sichuan Academy of Art

Sichuan Agricultural University

Sichuan Agricultural University

SMEF'S Brick school of architecture

South China Agricultural University

South China University of Technology

South China University of Technology

South China University of Technology

Southeast University

Southeast University

Southern Federal University

Southwest Jiaotong University

Southwest University for Nationalities



St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

State University of land Use Planning (GUZ), Moscow

Střední škola stavební Třebíč

Stroganov Russian State University of Art and Industry

Syracuse University

Tabriz Islamic university of Arts

Tambov State Technical University

Tanjung Pura


Tashkent Architecture and building institute

Tashkent architecture and civil engineering university

Tashkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Tashkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Taylor's University

Technical University of Berlin

Technological Institute of the Philippines-Manila

Tel Aviv University

Texas Tech University

The Moscow institute of Architecture (State Academy)

The National Academy of Fine Art and Architecture

The Southwest State University (SWSU)

The University of Jordan

The University of Melbourne

The University of New South Wales (UNSW)

​The University of Tokyo

The Ural State University of Architecture and Arts

Thomas Jefferson University

Tianjin City University

Tianjin Ren'ai College

Tianjin University

Tianjin University

Tianjin University of Technology

Tianjin University Ren'ai College

Tishk International University-Sulaimani


Tobb Etu


Tokai University

Tokai University Graduate School

Tokyo City University Graduate School

Tokyo Denki University

Tokyo Institute of Technology

Tokyo University of Science

Tokyo University of Science Graduate School

Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building

Tongji University

Tongji University

Tongji University

Toyo University

Toyota National College of Technology

Transnistrian State University

Tsinghua University

Tsinghua University


UCSI university

Universidad de los Andes

Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Universidade de São Paulo

Universidade Lusíada do Norte - Porto

Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Universitas Bung Karno

University for the Creative Arts

University of Architecture and Urban Planning "Ion Mincu"

University of Arizona

University of baghdad

University of Bath

University of Brunei Darussalam

University of Cape Town

University of China

University of Cyprus

University of Dundee

university of Edinburgh

University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore

University of Hertfordshire

University of Huddersfield

University of Jordan

University of Karachi

University of Mindanao

University of Minnisota

university of mumbai

University of Pécs

University of Pennsylvania

University of Santo Tomas Manila

University of Sarawak Malaysia

University of Shiga Graduate School

University of Strathclyde

University of Stuttgart

University of Technology Malaysia

University of Tehran

University of Tennessee

University of the East

University of the West of England

University of Tokyo

University of Toronto

University of Tsukuba

University of Waterloo

University of Zagreb

University tunis carthage

University: M. H. Dulati Taraz Regional University Kazakhstan

Ural State University of Architecture and Art


Usek - holy spirit university of kaslik



Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Voronezh State Technical University

Waseda University

Waseda University Graduate School

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology

Wuhan Institute of Biotechnology

Xi'an Jiaotong University; Jinling Institute of Science and Technology

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology

Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology Huaqing College

Xi'an University of Science and Technology

Xiamen Institute of Technology

Xiamen University

Xiamen University

Yandai Institute of Science and Technology

Yantai University

Yaroslavl State Technical University

Yeoju Technical Institute In Tashkent

Yinchuan Institute of Science and Technology

Zhejiang Agriculture University

Zhejiang Banking University Eastern College

Zhejiang Institute of Technology

Zhejiang Normal University Xingzhi College

Zhejiang University

Zhengzhou University

Zhongxing Agricultural Engineering Institute

Zhuhai Institute of Science and Technology

Государственный Университет по Землеустройству

Институт "Академия строительства и архитектуры"

Казанский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет

Кыргызский государственный университет строительства, транспорта и архитектуры


МИТУ-МАСИ Московский архитектурно-строительный институт

Московский университет геодезии и картографии



РГХПУ им.С.Г. Строганова

Самарский государственный технический университет

Санкт-Петербургская академия художеств имени Ильи Репина

санкт-петербургский архитектурно-строительный колледж

Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет

ФГБОУ ВО «Государственный Университет по землеустройству»

Южный Федеральный Университет

Analysis of the number of applicants

Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.
Collecting a large amount of data Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.

Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.
Collecting a large amount of data Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.

Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.
Collecting a large amount of data Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.

3D model



Application Grade Analysis

Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.
Collecting a large amount of data Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.

Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.
Collecting a large amount of data Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.

Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.
Collecting a large amount of data Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.

4th year undergraduate

Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.
Collecting a large amount of data Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.

Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.
Collecting a large amount of data Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.

Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.
Collecting a large amount of data Organize contests and competitions and form an alliance to collect architectural design works from all over the world. Organize diversified modern knowledge and ideas.


> NEXT >



ALL-League Winning work
1st place、Title:”iPlexus”、Designer:Aadya Garg、India
2nd place、Title:”AED城市修补盒”、Designer:俞毅扬、China
3rd place、Title:”Metanaeum”、Designer:Aadya Garg、INDIA
4th place、Title:”Cluster approach to the valorization of small historical towns on the example of Sestroretsk”、Designer:Iudina Natalia、Russia
5th place、Title:”风城之息”、Designer:杨思瀚、China
6th place、Title:”​The Riverside Cities河之洲”、Designer:肖霄、China
7th place、Title:”瓜岭村参与式艺术社区设计”、Designer:陈建乐、China
8th place、Title:”センイ替え”、Designer:駒塲友菜、Japan
9th place、Title:”红墙研学基地”、Designer:中文、China
10th place、Title:”光と風が紡ぐ繭”、Designer:石川博利、Japan
11th place、Title:”桃源集市”、Designer:陈艺璇、China
12th place、Title:”The green wall、Designer:عبدالرحمان、INDIA
13th place、Title:”Meet in the Cube”、Designer:汉语、China

14th place、Title:”《三折》旧厂房改造”、Designer:中文、China
15th place、Title:”路上都市アルカディア”、Designer:矢野泉和、Japan


PLO-League Winning work
1st place、Title:”Pilgrim Shelter”、Designer:路冬妮、China
2nd place、Title:”Delaminating Waters”、Designer:Ayrton Laucks、United states of america
3rd place、Title:”飓风避难所Hurricane Shelter”、Designer:胡奇轩、陈振昊、王梓陆、范家豪、China
4th place、Title:”Setting Sun No. 6”、Designer:路冬妮、China
5th place、Title:”RE-EXPLORING THE PILGRIMAGE OF LANGALBANDH. BANDAR, NARAYANGANJ.”、Designer:Dip chandra das、Bangladesh
6th place、Title:”magic bublle核酸检测亭”、Designer:汉语、China
7th place、Title:”ALLEY YARD ROOM”、Designer:叶阳、China
8th place、Title:”蓝色涅槃 山东东营海上钻井平台的改造更新设计”、Designer:张昱晨、China
9th place、Title:”自他の葺き替え”、Designer:三井田昂太、Japan
10th place、Title:”水ト永遠”、Designer:大室新、Japan


PRE-League Winning work
1st place、Title:” Architecture for Coexistence-celebrating the symbiosis in Nature ”、Designer:Sadia Siddiqui 、Pakistan
2nd place、Title:” Praetervehor ”、Designer:Guntur Danurain Akbar 、Indonesia
3rd place、Title:” Water realm ”、Designer:温紫晴 、China
4th place、Title:” Urban EchoRing ”、Designer:中文 、
5th place、Title:” 卒業制作 ”、Designer:千代延滉太 、Japan
6th place、Title:” A Million Buds ”、Designer:English 、Sri Lanka
7th place、Title:” Limen Land ”、Designer:刘姿孜 、China
8th place、Title:” A narrative of mountains ”、Designer:
Gao Yuan 、China

9th place、Title:” 牛舎が繋ぐ地域の和-信濃町振興計画- ”、Designer:石原大雅 、Japan
10th place、Title:” Unity Recreation Center”、Designer:رياض كمال الدين 、India

ORI-League Winning work
1st place、Title:” LALA LAND ”、Designer:刘姿孜 、China
Hu Qixuan, Chen Zhenhao, Wang Zilu, Fan Hao、China
3rd place、Title:” NOTIONOFSPACE ”、Designer:Dmitry 、Russia
4th place、Title:” Principle of immersive theatrical space formation ”、Designer:Маргарита 、Russia
5th place、Title:” 渋谷的記憶装器 ”、Designer:浅日栄輝 、
6th place、Title:” tokyo urban meditaion cabins”、Designer:王洪伟 、China
7th place、Title:” 揺らめく結晶~川と共に生きるということ~ ”、Designer:迫田真友花 、
8th place、Title:” Game of city-Game of capita ”、Designer:路冬妮 、China
9th place、Title:” 富嶽反転 ”、Designer:田内丈登 、Japan
10th place、Title:” Measure tomorrow ”、Designer:Gao Yuan 、China

REA-League Winning work
1st place、Title:” 花堤蔼蔼 ”、Designer:孔德睿 、China
2nd place、Title:” SkyEden ”、Designer:胡海洋 、China
3rd place、Title:” in-between houses ”、Designer:Candela Botta 、Argentina
4th place、Title:” Abdali Cultural Canvas ”、Designer:رياض كمال الدين 、India
5th place、Title:” 设计超链接 ”、Designer:姚雨昕 、China
6th place、Title:” 翳りの棲み処 ”、Designer:田内丈登 、Japan
7th place、Title:” 环居山海 ”、Designer:杨思瀚 、China
8th place、Title:” まちを紡ぐ ”、Designer:糠谷勇輔 、Japan

9th place、Title:” 千代田ウェルネス ”、Designer:中村陽一 、Japan
10th place、Title:” Reconstruction of residential development within the boundaries of Osipenko-Profsoyuznaya Streets ”、Designer:Dmitry Devyatov 、Russia

A-League Winning work
1st place、Title:” 基于本地居民和外来游客局部交融视角的历史建筑道路网络构建设计 ”、Designer:尹佳晨 李雨珂 、China
2nd place、Title:” Facing the quarry lake with spring blossoms AN ANTHROPOCENE HABITAT IN AALBORG ”、Designer:Chinese 、China
3rd place、Title:” Cryoform Experimental Arctic Constructs ”、Designer:Екатерина Иванова 、Russia
4th place、Title:” Revitalization of the territory of the Great Port of St. Petersburg ”、Designer:Artem Agekyan, Agenorov Gleb 、Russia
5th place、Title:” 清溪几度到嘉陵 ”、Designer:三位小组成员:王
诗瑾,范雨飞,梁玉涵 、China
6th place、Title:” 西坑“smart-future”城市概念设计 ”、Designer:曾中皓 、China
7th place、Title:” An ancient rhyme The new ode ”、Designer:Gao Yuan 、China
8th place、Title:” Reclaiming the Rubber Lands ”、Designer:Parvathy Murukesan 、India

9th place、Title:” SkyEden ”、Designer:胡海洋 、China

B-League Winning work
1st place、Title:” BAYBERRY FACTORY ”、Designer:叶阳 、China
2nd place、Title:” Aquaculture Center within the Agro-Industrial Complex ”、Designer:Anna Baskova 、Russia
3rd place、Title:” 智慧盒子-基于可生长模式与实时变化下的自定义城市校园活动单元 ”、Designer:龚清 、China
4th place、Title:” 代謝メディエーター ”、Designer:中文 、China
5th place、Title:” 海边的砼筑 ”、Designer:杨思瀚 、China
6th place、Title:” Everything grows ”、Designer:中文 、China
7th place、Title:” Forest Terminal ”、Designer:石川博利 、Japan
8th place、Title:” 环梦游园记—科技园小学设计”、Designer:张嘉升 白鑫 、China

9th place、Title:” 4 ”、Designer:温紫晴 、China

C-League Winning work
1st place、Title:” CareAct ”、Designer:Görkey Gürel 、Türkiye
2nd place、Title:” Architectural space of children's self-development ”、Designer:Полина Снежкова 、​Russia
3rd place、Title:” 谢尔克广场 ”、Designer:汤晟晖 、China
4th place、Title:” olive grove architectonics ”、Designer:Matea Pinjušić 、Croatia
5th place、Title:” Cooperation Center of the Perspective Artists ”、Designer:Литвиненко Даниил 、Russia
6th place、Title:” 巢-SKY+castle ”、Designer:中文 、China

7th place、Title:” the Lifecraft ”、Designer:Ali Baghizadeh 、Iran
8th place、Title:” adaptive socio-cultural epicentre ”、Designer:دانه إبراهيم 、Jordan

9th place、Title:” Graduation Project ”、Designer:Muhhamed Hesham Abdelraouf 、Egypt

D-League Winning work
1st place、Title:” 基于虚拟现实的设计 ”、Designer:林知妍 、China
2nd place、Title:” 辿り着かない少女-誘導建築- ”、Designer:荒牧甲登 、Japan
3rd place、Title:” 星合-后疫情时代餐饮 ”、Designer:Ziheng Que 、China
4th place、Title:” Light & Line ”、Designer: 翟辰睿(Chenrui Zhai) 、China
5th place、Title:” 檐续民俗博物馆设计 ”、Designer:李丽霞 、China
6th place、Title:” Museum of Emotions ”、Designer:张旭东 、China
7th place、Title:” emerald interior ”、Designer:Круглова Екатерина Евгеньевна 、Russia
8th place、Title:” 情景之集 ”、Designer:大室新 、China

9th place、Title:” 継ぎはぎ芽を出す超芸術 ”、Designer:恵良明梨 、Japan

E-League Winning work
1st place、Title:” Synergetic integration of refugee and host communities ”、Designer:Denita Magdalene. D 、India
2nd place、Title:” Guruthu Huduki Horataga ”、Designer:Brunda Lokesh 、India
3rd place、Title:” 拢聚欢声 ”、Designer:冯冠云 、China
4th place、Title:” Hug_Self embrace ”、Designer:Chinese 、India
5th place、Title:” 時間を建築する ”、Designer:長谷川聡太 、Japan
6th place、Title:” A Publishing Firm of Personal Memoirs; Or a Poetic Embrace to the Fragilities of Ageing? ”、Designer:罗益进 、China
7th place、Title:” “蚁聚蜂攒”-城市“蚁族”活力社区生活圈 ”、Designer:龚清 、China
8th place、Title:” SandwichesBetweenUrbanBuilding ”、Designer:李思怡 、China

9th place、Title:” Topsy-Turvy ”、Designer:Ирина Козлова 、Russia

> NEXT >


Winner & Prize money

World Championship
Gold Medal
Prize money :$1
 420votes B-League、Title:” CareAct ”
Designer:Görkey Gürel 、Tü

World Championship
Silver Medal
Prize m
oney :$500
404votes ALL-League、Title:”iPlexus”、
Designer:Aadya Garg、India

World Championship
Silver Medal
Prize m
oney :$200
385vote PRE-League、Title:” A Million Buds ”、
Designer:- 、Sri Lanka

World Championship Medal
【PLO-League】 101votes、Title:”蓝色涅槃 山东东营海上钻井平台的改造更新设计”、Designer:张昱晨、China
、Title:” LALA LAND ”、Designer:刘姿孜 、China
【REA-League】 169votes、Title:” in-between houses ”、Designer:Candela Botta 、Argentina
【A-League】 368votes、Title:” Reclaiming the Rubber Lands ”、Designer:Parvathy Murukesan 、India
B-League】 59votes、Title:” BAYBERRY FACTORY ”、Designer:叶阳 、China
【D-League】 175votes、Title:” 辿り着かない少女-誘導建築- ”、Designer:荒牧甲登 、Japan
【E-League】 148votes、Title:” Guruthu Huduki Horataga ”、Designer:Brunda Lokesh 、India

World voting :  8376 votes , 1602 people


​世界投票結果【総合順位】Over 100 votes

【Winner】 420votes C-League、Title:” CareAct ”、Designer:Görkey Gürel 、Türkiye
【Winner】 404votes ALL-League、Title:”iPlexus”、Designer:Aadya Garg、India

【Winner】385vote PRE-League、Title:” A Million Buds ”、Designer:- 、Sri Lanka

368votes A-League、Title:” Reclaiming the Rubber Lands ”、Designer:Parvathy Murukesan 、India

331votes ALL-League、Title:”センイ替え”、Designer:駒塲友菜、Japan

328votes PRE-League、Title:” Praetervehor ”、Designer:Guntur Danurain Akbar 、Indonesia
298votes PRE-League、Title:” A narrative of mountains ”、Designer:Gao Yuan 、China
271votes PRE-League、Title:” Water realm ”、Designer:温紫晴 、China
257votes ALL-League、Title:”Metanaeum”、Designer:Aadya Garg、INDIA
252votes OLI-League、Title:” LALA LAND ”、Designer:刘姿孜 、
250votes PRE-League、Title:” Architecture for Coexistence-celebrating the symbiosis in Nature ”、Designer:Sadia Siddiqui 、Pakistan
193votes A-League、Title:” Cryoform Experimental Arctic Constructs ”、Designer:Екатерина Иванова 、Russia
191votes OLI-League、Title:” 揺らめく結晶~川と共に生きるということ~ ”、Designer:迫田真友花 、
175votes D-League、Title:” 辿り着かない少女-誘導建築- ”、Designer:荒牧甲登 、Japan
169votes REA-League、Title:” in-between houses ”、Designer:Candela Botta 、Argentina
165votes A-League、Title:” Facing the quarry lake with spring blossoms AN ANTHROPOCENE HABITAT IN AALBORG ”、Designer:Chinese 、China

160votes PRE-League、Title:” Urban EchoRing ”、Designer:中文 、China
159votes OLI-League、Title:” 渋谷的記憶装器 ”、Designer:浅日栄輝 、
154votes A-League、Title:” 清溪几度到嘉陵 ”、Designer:三位小组成员:王诗瑾,范雨飞,梁玉涵 、China
152votes ALL-League、Title:”AED城市修补盒”、Designer:俞毅扬、China
148votes E
-League、Title:” Guruthu Huduki Horataga ”、Designer:Brunda Lokesh 、India
147votes OLI-League、Title:” Game of city-Game of capita ”、Designer:路冬妮 、China
142votes REA-League、Title:” 花堤蔼蔼 ”、Designer:孔德睿 、China

145votes PRE-League、Title:” Limen Land ”、Designer:刘姿孜 、China
132votes B-League、Title:” Architectural space of children's self-development ”、Designer:Полина Снежкова 、​Russia

132votes C-League、Title:” Architectural space of children's self-development ”、Designer:Полина Снежкова 、​Russia

126votes ALL-League、Title:”​The Riverside Cities河之洲”、Designer:肖霄、China
124votes B-League、Title:” the Lifecraft ”、Designer:Ali Baghizadeh 、Iran
122votes C-League、Title:” the Lifecraft ”、Designer:Ali Baghizadeh 、Iran
119votes ALL-League、Title:”路上都市アルカディア”、Designer:矢野泉和、Japan
107votes OLI-League、Title:” 富嶽反転 ”、Designer:田内丈登 、
104votes ALL-League、Title:”Cluster approach to the valorization of small historical towns on the example of Sestroretsk”、Designer:Iudina Natalia、Russia
101votes PLO-League、Title:”蓝色涅槃 山东东营海上钻井平台的改造更新设计”、Designer:张昱晨、China


ALL-League Winning work
【Winner】 404votes [ - ] 1st place、Title:”iPlexus”、Designer:Aadya Garg、India

331votes[↑] 8th place、Title:”センイ替え”、Designer:駒塲友菜、Japan
257votes[ - ] 3rd place、Title:”Metanaeum”、Designer:Aadya Garg、INDIA
152votes[↓] 2nd place、Title:”AED城市修补盒”、Designer:俞毅扬、China
126votes[↑] 6th place、Title:”​The Riverside Cities河之洲”、Designer:肖霄、China
119votes[↑] 15th place、Title:”路上都市アルカディア”、Designer:矢野泉和、Japan

104votes[↓] 4th place、Title:”Cluster approach to the valorization of small historical towns on the example of Sestroretsk”、Designer:Iudina Natalia、Russia
84votes[↓] 5th place、Title:”风城之息”、Designer:杨思瀚、China
78votes[↑] 10th place、Title:”光と風が紡ぐ繭”、Designer:石川博利、Japan

45votes[↑] 14th place、Title:”《三折》旧厂房改造”、Designer:中文、China
27votes[↓] 7th place、Title:”瓜岭村参与式艺术社区设计”、Designer:陈建乐、China
25votes[↓] 11th place、Title:”桃源集市”、Designer:陈艺璇、China
10votes[↓] 12th place、Title:”The green wall、Designer:عبدالرحمان、INDIA
8votes[↓] 9th place、Title:”红墙研学基地”、Designer:中文、China
6votes[↓] 13th place、Title:”Meet in the Cube”、Designer:汉语、China


PLO-League Winning work
【Winner】 101votes[↑] 8th place、Title:”蓝色涅槃 山东东营海上钻井平台的改造更新设计”、Designer:张昱晨、China

84votes[↑] 10th place、Title:”水ト永遠”、Designer:大室新、Japan
78votes[↑] 4th place、Title:”Setting Sun No. 6”、Designer:路冬妮、China
54votes[↑] 5th place、Title:”RE-EXPLORING THE PILGRIMAGE OF LANGALBANDH. BANDAR, NARAYANGANJ.”、Designer:Dip chandra das、Bangladesh
[↓] 7th place、Title:”ALLEY YARD ROOM”、Designer:叶阳、China
33votes[↓] 1st place、Title:”Pilgrim Shelter”、Designer:路冬妮、China
23votes[↓] 2nd place、Title:”Delaminating Waters”、Designer:Ayrton Laucks、United states of america

6votes[↑] 9th place、Title:”自他の葺き替え”、Designer:三井田昂太、Japan
2votes[↓] 3rd place、Title:”飓风避难所Hurricane Shelter”、Designer:胡奇轩、陈振昊、
3votes[↓] 6th place、Title:”magic bublle核酸检测亭”、Designer:汉语、China王梓陆、范家豪、China


PRE-League Winning work
【Winner】 385votes[↑] 6th place、Title:” A Million Buds ”、Designer:English 、Sri Lanka

328votes[ - ] 2nd place、Title:” Praetervehor ”、Designer:Guntur Danurain Akbar 、Indonesia
298votes[↑] 8th place、Title:” A narrative of mountains ”、Designer:Gao Yuan 、China
[↓] 3rd place、Title:” Water realm ”、Designer:温紫晴 、China
250votes[↓] 1st place、Title:” Architecture for Coexistence-celebrating the symbiosis in Nature ”、Designer:Sadia Siddiqui 、Pakistan

160votes[↓] 4th place、Title:” Urban EchoRing ”、Designer:中文 、China
145votes[↑] 7th place、Title:” Limen Land ”、Designer:刘姿孜 、China

9votes[↑] 9th place、Title:” 牛舎が繋ぐ地域の和-信濃町振興計画- ”、Designer:石原大雅 、Japan
6votes[↓] 5th place、Title:” 卒業制作 ”、Designer:千代延滉太 、Japan
3votes[ - ] 10th place、Title:” Unity Recreation Center”、Designer:رياض كمال الدين 、India

ORI-League Winning work
【Winner】 252votes[ - ] 1st place、Title:” LALA LAND ”、Designer:刘姿孜 、China

191votes[↑] 7th place、Title:” 揺らめく結晶~川と共に生きるということ~ ”、Designer:迫田真友花 、
159votes[↑] 5th place、Title:” 渋谷的記憶装器 ”、Designer:浅日栄輝 、Japan
147votes[↑] 8th place、Title:” Game of city-Game of capita ”、Designer:路冬妮 、China
107votes[↑] 9th place、Title:” 富嶽反転 ”、Designer:田内丈登 、Japan
97votes[↓] 3rd place、Title:” NOTIONOFSPACE ”、Designer:Dmitry 、Russia
65votes[↓] 2nd place、Title:” SELF-PROCESSING BAZAAR FOR URBAN CLEAN-UP PROJECT ”、Designer:Hu Qixuan, Chen Zhenhao, Wang Zilu, Fan Hao、China
73votes[↓] 6th place、Title:” tokyo urban meditaion cabins”、Designer:王洪伟 、China
53votes[↑] 10th place、Title:” Measure tomorrow ”、Designer:Gao Yuan 、China
34votes[↓] 4th place、Title:” Principle of immersive theatrical space formation ”、Designer:Маргарита 、Russia


REA-League Winning work
【Winner】 169votes[↑] 3rd place、Title:” in-between houses ”、Designer:Candela Botta 、Argentina

142votes[↓] 1st place、Title:” 花堤蔼蔼 ”、Designer:孔德睿 、China
59votes[↑] 6th place、Title:” 翳りの棲み処 ”、Designer:田内丈登 、Japan

58votes[↑] 10th place、Title:” Reconstruction of residential development within the boundaries of Osipenko-Profsoyuznaya Streets ”、Designer:Dmitry Devyatov 、Russia
26votes[↑] 8th place、Title:” まちを紡ぐ ”、Designer:糠谷勇輔 、Japan

16votes[↑] 9th place、Title:” 千代田ウェルネス ”、Designer:中村陽一 、Japan
5votes[↓] 2nd place、Title:” SkyEden ”、Designer:胡海洋 、China
5votes[↓] 7th place、Title:” 环居山海 ”、Designer:杨思瀚 、China

3votes[↓] 5th place、Title:” 设计超链接 ”、Designer:姚雨昕 、China
2votes[↓] 4th place、Title:” Abdali Cultural Canvas ”、Designer:رياض كمال الدين 、India


A-League Winning work
【Winner】 368votes[↑] 8th place、Title:” Reclaiming the Rubber Lands ”、Designer:Parvathy Murukesan 、India

193votes[↑] 3rd place、Title:” Cryoform Experimental Arctic Constructs ”、Designer:Екатерина Иванова 、Russia
165votes[↓] 2nd place、Title:” Facing the quarry lake with spring blossoms AN ANTHROPOCENE HABITAT IN AALBORG ”、Designer:Chinese 、China
154votes[↑] 5th place、Title:” 清溪几度到嘉陵 ”、Designer:三位小组成员:王诗瑾,范雨飞,梁玉涵 、China
79votes[↓] 1st place、Title:” 基于本地居民和外来游客局部交融视角的历史建筑道路网络构建设计 ”、Designer:尹佳晨 李雨珂 、China
63votes[ - ] 6th place、Title:” 西坑“smart-future”城市概念设计 ”、Designer:曾中皓 、China
48votes[ - ] 7th place、Title:” An ancient rhyme The new ode ”、Designer:Gao Yuan 、China
45votes[↓] 4th place、Title:” Revitalization of the territory of the Great Port of St. Petersburg ”、Designer:Artem Agekyan, Agenorov Gleb 、Russia

21votes[ - ] 9th place、Title:” SkyEden ”、Designer:胡海洋 、China

B-League Winning work
【Winner】 59votes[ - ] 1st place、Title:” BAYBERRY FACTORY ”、Designer:叶阳 、China

44votes[ - ] 2nd place、Title:” Aquaculture Center within the Agro-Industrial Complex ”、Designer:Anna Baskova 、Russia
35votes[↑] 7th place、Title:” Forest Terminal ”、Designer:石川博利 、Japan
30votes[↑] 8th place、Title:” 环梦游园记—科技园小学设计”、Designer:张嘉升 白鑫 、China
[↓] 4th place、Title:” 代謝メディエーター ”、Designer:中文 、China
13votes[↓] 5th place、Title:” 海边的砼筑 ”、Designer:杨思瀚 、China
10votes[↓] 3rd place、Title:” 智慧盒子-基于可生长模式与实时变化下的自定义城市校园活动单元 ”、Designer:龚清 、China
5votes[↓] 6th place、Title:” Everything grows ”、Designer:中文 、China

2votes[ - ] 9th place、Title:” 4 ”、Designer:温紫晴 、China

C-League Winning work
【Winner】 421votes[ - ] 1st place、Title:” CareAct ”、Designer:Görkey Gürel 、Türkiye

132votes[ - ] 2nd place、Title:” Architectural space of children's self-development ”、Designer:Полина Снежкова 、​Russia
122votes[↑] 7th place、Ti
tle:” the Lifecraft ”、Designer:Ali Baghizadeh 、Iran
54votes[↓] 3rd place、Title:” 谢尔克广场 ”、Designer:汤晟晖 、China
41votes[↓] 4th place、Title:” olive grove architectonics ”、Designer:Matea Pinjušić 、Croatia
23votes[↓] 5th place、Title:” Cooperation Center of the Perspective Artists ”、Designer:Литвиненко Даниил 、Russia
18votes[↓] 6th place、Title:” 巢-SKY+castle ”、Designer:中文 、China

17votes[ - ] 8th place、Title:” adaptive socio-cultural epicentre ”、Designer:دانه إبراهيم 、Jordan

2votes[ - ] 9th place、Title:” Graduation Project ”、Designer:Muhhamed Hesham Abdelraouf 、Egypt

D-League Winning work
【Winner】 175votes[↑] 2nd place、Title:” 辿り着かない少女-誘導建築- ”、Designer:荒牧甲登 、Japan

57votes[↑] 7th place、Title:” emerald interior ”、Designer:Круглова Екатерина Евгеньевна 、Russia
5th place、Title:” 檐续民俗博物馆设计 ”、Designer:李丽霞 、China
33votes[↑] 6th place、Title:” Museum of Emotions ”、Designer:张旭东 、China
13votes[↑] 8th place、Title:” 情景之集 ”、Designer:大室新 、China
[↓] 4th place、Title:” Light & Line ”、Designer: 翟辰睿(Chenrui Zhai) 、China

10votes[↑] 9th place、Title:” 継ぎはぎ芽を出す超芸術 ”、Designer:恵良明梨 、Japan
17votes[↓] 3rd place、Title:” 星合-后疫情时代餐饮 ”、Designer:Ziheng Que 、China
4votes[↓] 1st place、Title:” 基于虚拟现实的设计 ”、Designer:林知妍 、China


E-League Winning work
【Winner】 148votes[↑] 2nd place、Title:” Guruthu Huduki Horataga ”、Designer:Brunda Lokesh 、India

86votes[↓] 1st place、Title:” Synergetic integration of refugee and host communities ”、Designer:Denita Magdalene. D 、India
72votes[ - ] 3rd place、Title:” 拢聚欢声 ”、Designer:冯冠云 、China
29votes[↑] 8th place、Title:” SandwichesBetweenUrbanBuilding ”、Designer:李思怡 、China
23votes[↑] 6th place、Title:” A Publishing Firm of Personal Memoirs; Or a Poetic Embrace to the Fragilities of Ageing? ”、Designer:罗益进 、China

19votes[↑] 9th place、Title:” Topsy-Turvy ”、Designer:Ирина Козлова 、Russia
13votes[ - ] 7th place、Title:” “蚁聚蜂攒”-城市“蚁族”活力社区生活圈 ”、Designer:龚清 、China
11votes[↓] 4th place、Title:” Hug_Self embrace ”、Designer:Chinese 、India

4votes[↓] 5th place、Title:” 時間を建築する ”、Designer:長谷川聡太 、Japan


Tournament official

> NEXT >

The World Architecture Student Award is one of the world's largest architecture student competitions held mainly in Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. This contest aims at the comprehensive ability of architectural students to carry out design subject works, submitted competitions, graduation design works, etc. that were undertaken by educational institutions related to architecture (universities, junior colleges, vocational schools, graduate schools). With the complex of statistics, typology and an introduction to architectural design, architectural design works can be quantified and judged fairly by comprehensive evaluation. In addition, we will issue a transcript that analyzes the abilities of the architectural designer in detail for all the submitted design works, quantitatively shows where and how much is done, and gives advice. In addition, a certificate will be awarded to works that are particularly excellent in various evaluation axes. This is not an arbitrary and very abstract examination, but shows the ability of the designer and hopes for the future development and success of architectural students. Everyone is aiming for a meaningful competition regardless of the type of work, grade, or country. (Executive Committee Chair Yusuke Shimizu)





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