National Kenkomi Architectural Design Institute
Concept of basic elements of architecture
There are various types of architectural part-time jobs. Looking for your favorite job
Let's start a part-time job! There are three industries in the construction industry: general contractors, organizational design, and atelier.
The content of work, salary, atmosphere, etc. are completely different for each.
Find a part-time job that suits you and work part-time.
[Required 1]. Entry period June 1st- August 1st 23:59
Zenkoku Kenkomi .JAPAN
World League Series
World League Series 【WLS】
(Preliminary judging) Schedule
Released on September 1st 100 works selected
(Japan Standard Time (JST) )
100人按联赛进行奖励,您将有资格参加第二次筛选。从AI筛选算出的能力值中,通过分配到10种联赛中设计师擅长的最合适的联赛来判断奖品。 通过计算各联赛、世界、全国、年级的排名,共选出100名优胜者。 获胜者可以晋级世界冠军赛。
World Championship Series [WCSS]
(Secondary judging) Schedule
October 1, 2022 ~ November 1, 2022 World vote
(Japan Standard Time (JST) )
在第二次放映中,我们将在 YouTube 上分发作品并存档,同时通过将作品翻译成三种语言向世界传播,并收集来自世界各地的投票和意见。 除了第1次AI筛选外,第2次筛选中,来自世界各地的建筑师、教授和建筑学学生将在世界范围内进行投票,并通过提问和回答问题来确定14名冠军。
WCSS 第二次审判世界投票和评论
期间 10 月 1 日至 11 月 1 日
Architectural Design Metabolism
Architectural design metabolism
【Voting regulation】
Ⅰ… 包括参展商在内的所有人都可以进行投票和评论。
Ⅳ… 评论、问题和建议可以通过[评论]谷歌表格提出。
Ⅶ… 双重投票和投票指导 如果有非法投票,所有分数将被放弃。
【Scoring rules】
・ WCSS(世界锦标赛)参赛者・・・・・・・・・・・(我的分数)×5×(5票)
・ WLS (World League Match) 参展商・・・・・・・(我的分数) × 3 × (5 票)
・ 建筑系学生(研究生院)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 满分×2.0×(5票)
・ 建筑系学生(职业学校)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・满分×1.0×(5票)
The World Architecture Student Award is one of the world's largest architecture student competitions held mainly in Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. This contest aims at the comprehensive ability of architectural students to carry out design subject works, submitted competitions, graduation design works, etc. that were undertaken by educational institutions related to architecture (universities, junior colleges, vocational schools, graduate schools). With the complex of statistics, typology and an introduction to architectural design, architectural design works can be quantified and judged fairly by comprehensive evaluation. In addition, we will issue a transcript that analyzes the abilities of the architectural designer in detail for all the submitted design works, quantitatively shows where and how much is done, and gives advice. In addition, a certificate will be awarded to works that are particularly excellent in various evaluation axes. This is not an arbitrary and very abstract examination, but shows the ability of the designer and hopes for the future development and success of architectural students. Everyone is aiming for a meaningful competition regardless of the type of work, grade, or country. (Executive Committee Chair Yusuke Shimizu)