National Kenkomi Architectural Design Institute
Concept of basic elements of architecture
There are various types of architectural part-time jobs. Looking for your favorite job
Let's start a part-time job! There are three industries in the construction industry: general contractors, organizational design, and atelier.
The content of work, salary, atmosphere, etc. are completely different for each.
Find a part-time job that suits you and work part-time.
[Required 1]. Entry period June 1st- August 1st 23:59
Zenkoku Kenkomi .JAPAN

National Kenkomi Media
Architectural perspective and sketching skills
Architectural perspectives and sketches are a test of same-day design and interior design
It is used for presentations such as architectural design issues.
How to improve hand-drawn architectural sketches and recommended pens and paper
How good should it be?
Pens and paper needed for sketching
Two tips for improving your sketches
Tips for drawing architectural marker sketches and recommended marker pens
Do architects need to be good at marker sketching?
Recommended teaching materials
Tools needed for marker sketching
Good marker sketch tips
Tablet vs. paper
49 ashige
YouTuber updating a series of architectural perspective technologies
With handwritten sketch perspective drafts and basic techniques
You can learn the coloring of watercolor pens and the coloring and techniques with watercolor pencils, colored pencils, and watercolors.
Drawing Skill
How to practice drawing as an architect
A YouTube channel for American architecture students. Subtitles can be translated into Japanese.
The points and techniques of model making that have not yet penetrated Japan are introduced.
Architecture Sketching
In architectural perspective 6 techniques
A YouTube channel for American architecture students. Subtitles can be translated into Japanese.
The points and techniques of model making that have not yet penetrated Japan are introduced.
Architectural Floor Plans
Floor plan coloring, points of plan perspective
A YouTube channel for American architecture students. Subtitles can be translated into Japanese.
The points and techniques of model making that have not yet penetrated Japan are introduced.
Architecture Trees Sketching Tips
Planting perspective, coloring method Elevation, plane
A YouTube channel for American architecture students. Subtitles can be translated into Japanese.
The points and techniques of model making that have not yet penetrated Japan are introduced.
Architecture Student Hacks
Architectural student perspective and drafting tips
A YouTube channel for American architecture students. Subtitles can be translated into Japanese.
The points and techniques of model making that have not yet penetrated Japan are introduced.