National Kenkomi Architectural Design Institute
Concept of basic elements of architecture
There are various types of architectural part-time jobs. Looking for your favorite job
Let's start a part-time job! There are three industries in the construction industry: general contractors, organizational design, and atelier.
The content of work, salary, atmosphere, etc. are completely different for each.
Find a part-time job that suits you and work part-time.
[Required 1]. Entry period June 1st- August 1st 23:59
Zenkoku Kenkomi .JAPAN
- 開催予定一覧 -
The World Architecture Student Award is one of the world's largest architecture student competitions held mainly in Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. This contest aims at the comprehensive ability of architectural students to carry out design subject works, submitted competitions, graduation design works, etc. that were undertaken by educational institutions related to architecture (universities, junior colleges, vocational schools, graduate schools). With the complex of statistics, typology and an introduction to architectural design, architectural design works can be quantified and judged fairly by comprehensive evaluation. In addition, we will issue a transcript that analyzes the abilities of the architectural designer in detail for all the submitted design works, quantitatively shows where and how much is done, and gives advice. In addition, a certificate will be awarded to works that are particularly excellent in various evaluation axes. This is not an arbitrary and very abstract examination, but shows the ability of the designer and hopes for the future development and success of architectural students. Everyone is aiming for a meaningful competition regardless of the type of work, grade, or country. (Executive Committee Chair Yusuke Shimizu)