National Kenkomi Architectural Design Institute
Concept of basic elements of architecture
There are various types of architectural part-time jobs. Looking for your favorite job
Let's start a part-time job! There are three industries in the construction industry: general contractors, organizational design, and atelier.
The content of work, salary, atmosphere, etc. are completely different for each.
Find a part-time job that suits you and work part-time.
[Required 1]. Entry period June 1st- August 1st 23:59
Zenkoku Kenkomi .JAPAN
National Kenkomi Media
Architectural student design PC, specs
A PC is required for various situations such as architectural design tasks, competitions, and graduation design.
Buy specs that match your design. Here, we will introduce a PC to prepare before enrollment and a PC with the specifications required for the 2.3th grade.
How to choose a recommended PC for architecture students
Specific examples of PCs that are not suitable for the Department of Architecture
Specific examples of PCs that are not suitable for the Department of Architecture